McDonald's Iced Coffees

McCafe menu

McDonald’s started their McCafe line of drinks to rival popular Starbucks beverages.  McCafe drinks can be ordered at any McDonald’s at any time of the day.

What kind of iced coffee drinks are at McDonald's?

You can get: - Iced coffees (made with brewed coffee) - Iced lattes (made with espresso) - Frappes (frozen coffee drinks)

Small iced coffee drinks

Every small drink is $2.00 or under because small sized McCafe drinks are on the Dollar Menu.

#9 Caramel Frappe Ice + Caramel Coffee Frappe Base + Whipped Light Cream + Caramel Drizzle Calories in a medium: 510 Sugar in a medium: 67 g

#6 Iced Caramel Mocha Ice + Espresso + Whole Milk + Water + Chocolate Caramel Syrup + Whipped Light Cream + Caramel Drizzle Calories in a medium: 300 Sugar in a medium: 38 g

#4 Iced Caramel Macchiato Ice + Espresso + Whole Milk + Water + Caramel Syrup + Caramel Drizzle Calories in a medium: 310 Sugar in a medium: 41 g

#3 Iced Latte Ice + Espresso + Whole Milk + Water Calories in a medium: 120 Sugar in a medium: 9 g

#1 Mocha Frappe Ice + Mocha Coffee Frappe Base + Whipped Cream + Chocolate Drizzle Calories in a medium: 500 Sugar in a medium: 66 g

See the entire list of 11 McDonald's  Iced and Frozen Coffees, ranked.  Plus, notes and tips on how to order them!