TikTok Rose Gold Refresher

(Starbucks Secret Menu Drink)

TikTok  Rose Gold Refresher

TikTok Rose Gold Refresher is a customized Starbucks Mango Dragonfruit Refresher and it’s considered a secret menu drink since it’s not on the official menu.

What's in the drink

TikTok Rose Gold Refresher is a Mango Dragonfruit Refresher customized with peach juice, Classic syrup, and raspberry syrup. Water and inclusions (freeze-dried fruit) are removed.

Starbucks secret menu

Secret menu items are customized drinks from the regular menu and Starbucks baristas aren’t trained to learn how to make them.

How to order secret menu drinks

Don't order secret menu drinks by their secret menu name. Order secret menu drinks by telling the barista the drink's ingredients and customizations.

How it tastes

If you like peach juice, you must give this drink a try.  The TikTok Rose Cold Refresher is made with peach juice and raspberry syrups so it has a strong peach flavor while the raspberry adds a flavorful tang.

SEE MORE to find out how to exactly order this drink in a sentence and how much it costs.